aku ada 'geng mentekedarah' yg suka mencuba tpt2 mkn yg ala2 western yg sedikit pricy... kiranya kalo bab makan tu xberkira sgt la.. apa salahnya nk mencuba kan... tp target focus kami masih belum tercapai iaitu nk ke VI.. aduhaiii Victoria Station.. bilala kite kan bertemu... huhuhu...
tp ada gak tpt2 best yg aku and the 'mentekedarah geng' dah cuba dan agak puas ati ngan mknan, layanan dan ambience tpt tu... nanti la aku sambung.. cm ngantuk laks.. hehe..
aku sudah banguunn.. hihi..
k.. nk smbung borak pasal tpt mkn yg aku dh balun..
TGIF a.k.a Thank God It's Friday
tpt ni aku dh g a few times la.. maybe bcoz harga xla melambung sgt tp bole tahanla.. aku biasa g TGIF yg kt subang parade je sbb aku rasa TGIF kt situ yg paling dkt ngan shah alam.. the things i like about this place:-
1) greetings - staf kt sini from the time they open the door for u everyone will greet u and kadang2 smpai terjerit2 nk greet.. sumtimes cm kalut pun ada, cm gelabah pun ada abih suma org duk pandang kan.. publisiti murahan sungguh.. hehehe
2) service - aku x sure la kt suma TGIF ke apa tp 1st time aku ang the mentekedarah geng g mkn sini, si tukang amik order tu melutut kt tepi meja smntara nk amik order.. mula2 tu ingat dia nk amik pen ke apa jatuh kt bwh so tgu jela, alih2 dia tanya nk mkn apa smbil dia duk melutut tu.. aku ingat lg minah tu sangkut dagu kt hujung meja masa tu, rasa cm nk jentik je idung dia.. hehehe.. tp its a new experience.. maybe diorg xnk pelanggan bersusah payah mendongak kt diorg kot..
3)the fooood - makanan and minuman kt sini bole tahanla sedap but to choose the beverages u have to be very careful in selecting sbb tpt ni serve liquor.. jgn smpai kuar terhuyung hayang sudah.. hehehe..

Bubba Gump Shrimp Co
tpt ni aku br g lam 2 kali rasanya.. its located on the right side of the sunway pyramid's main entrance..u can't miss it..the ambience.. puhh i tell u.. eveything and anything u find in here is abaout the movie Forest Gump. i'm sure that if u have watched the movie u will easily recognise the accessories they put up on the walls and the shelves.. very interesting.. a few things that i have observed from this place:-
1) greeting - aku rasa dh mmg standard la tpt2 mkn gini mmg ramai yg akan greet u with wide smiles filled with enthusiasm..
2) service - kt sini lain lak caranya kalo nk memanggil waiter.. on the table there are these 2 somewhat like metal plate numbers yg mcm kt keta tu and these plates ni dirantai together.. one of the plates is in blue and states 'Run Forrest Run' and the other is in red and states 'Stop Forrest Stop'. so if u want to place an order, u pusingkan plate yg tulis 'Stop Forrest Stop' and in a matter of seconds adala yg dtg nk amik order ke whtever.. after placing ur order, kite tukarla pulak plate tu pada 'Run Forrest Run' so that kinda means yg kite nk suruh waiter tu cpt anta pesanan kite tu.. very interesting la..
3) the fooood - the food here basically is more towards shrimps sbb if u guys remember dlm cite Forrest Gump tu kan Forrest ada buka shrimp company dgn kwn se'askar dia bernama Bubba.. hence the name Bubba Gump.. tp u can still find chicken on the menu.. air pun sdap gak tp xbyk sgt choices for unalcohol beverages.. the price agak pricy so if ur on a tight budget bole pegi sini tp xleh slalu la.. hehe
4) ambience - ambience tpt ni as ive said earlier is really something.. lain drpd yg lain.. cuma satu je yg aku rasa cm kureeeng skit.. serving alcohol kt tpt2 gini kira standard la tp yg cm xbest skit ialah lokasi 'bar' yg agak kedepan skit.. mcm kurang sesuai skit sbb taula kite ni duk kt malaysia.. lainla kalo kt singapore ke thailand ke kan..

smpai sini jelah buat masa ni.. akan ada sambungan sbb ada a few more places that i have gone to tp xsmpt nk cite skang ni.. so nantikan Part 2 coming soon.. enjoy..
jom arr.. VI...
ReplyDeletelepas raya haji..
InsyaAllah.. masa tu br dpt gaji stlh almost 2 bulan xde gaji so mcm byk utang kena bayar.. huhuhu