assalam suma.. ada sihat kah suma?? ada?? Alhamdulillah..
well............everytime march arrives.. butterflies start fluttering in my cute stomach.. wahhh gelinyaa.. hahaha.. 13th.. the most dreaded and anticipated date for me.. huhuhu.. masa kecik2 dulu tarikh kelahiran yg kita akan ternanti2.. nk dpt adiah bday byk2.. dpt makan kek sedaaap.. dpt buat party.. seronok sgt sbb 1 sen pun bukan duit kita.. hihihi...
birthdays zaman U pulak, kwn2 lak blnje makan.. belikan adiah n belikan kek sepotong.. hehehe.. satu potong kek makan satu bilik ramai2.. seronok.. adiah pun ikut peredaran zaman.. aku teringat zaman yg rantai tali itam ngan medallion mcm2 rupa was in style.. i got one from a friend as a bday gift, buah rantai bentuk ikan.. hehehe.. masa tu celebrate kat pizza hut bukit raja so terus pakaila masa tu.. tp jodoh aku ngan rantai tu xpanjang.. turun je bas tepi hiway pintu blkg uitm dh xde dh kt leher aku... huhuhu.. sori yant..
diam xdiam.. umur makin meningkat.. as much as we try to hold it in.. umur mana bole tahan2 kan.. but to me, as long as we age gracefully there shud be no problem.. take it as another year Allah panjangkan umur kita so the best way is to be grateful.. Syukur Alhamdulillah.. but frankly speaking, sejak dh masuk 3 series ni i am starting to feel some aches n pains here n there.. aiyyooo.. gotta start taking care of myself.. hehehe.. bila dh meningkat usia ni pun birthdays are much lesser of balloons and parties but more towards being grateful and thinking of wht we have achieved and wht more to achieve till our nxt birthday.. now thats sumthing to celebrate about.. hehehe...
my birthday this year... dgn sukacita bercampur dukacita.. hehehe.. sy mengumumkan bahawasanya sy sudah berumur 31thn.. yess... u read rite.. i'm freakin' 31!!! hahahaha... knp? xpercaya??? jgn terkeliru dgn muka sy yg masih comel ni ye.. hahahaha... i'm feeling lightheaded just thinking aboutbeing 31... i've come a long way and hopefully i still have a long way to go.. InsyaAllah.. masih terlalu byk perkara yg aku perlu pelajari dan perbaiki..
ahad aritu xde la buat apa2 pun.. lepak2 je kt umah kg smbil layan cite korea 'Playfull kiss' kt laptop.. aahhh sudah kena virus korea.. Baek Seoung Jo.. i wuv yuu.. hahaha.. cuma ada dpt adiah handbag dr angah.. cute gilak ah.. mcm kulit lembu dutch lady.. hahaha.. bukan xcelebrate tp akan di carry forward ke weekend nih.. mak blnje satu family duk kt The Legend PD.. yeaay!!! bulan 3 ni ada 3 org punya bday (aku, angah n anak angah a.k.a hafiz) so might as well celebrate sekali.. its gonna be super duper fun.. can't wait.. hehe..
so i guess that wud be all for this time around.. harap2 kwn2 suma dpt doakan agar aku akan mjd insan yg lebih baik dan doakanla aku cpt2 dpt jodoh.. (tu yg penting tu) hahahaha... promotela aku skit kt kwn2 single korg ke.. hahahaha... aku kah yg sdg bckp ni.. hehehe.. k la guys.. that all 4 now.. peace out.. Assalam...
huhu...be nice k :)
ReplyDeletenanie.. happy belated birthday... ku doakan segale2 yg terbaik utk ko... insya Allah jodoh itu akan sampai.... senyum sokmo k... =)
ReplyDeletemr. hangaraj: i'm nice alwayzz.. hahaha
ReplyDeleteyana: tq.. amiin.. sokmo la aku senyum nnt eh..hehehe