Friday, June 24, 2011

BENGANG... grrrrrr!!!!


penah x korg rasa, benda yg kita buat smpai kelam kabut kehulu kehilir tetiba ada org kata benda tu xde.. tp bila kita check sendri benda tu ada????

tu yg jadi kat aku...

pastu bole pulak orang tu shoot email kata aku xbuat keja tu.. siap cc ke big boss okkk..... org tu siap kata sbb aku xbuat, menjejaskan proses kerja dia.. aku dh buat laaaaa... aku siap check balik benda tu and ternyata benda tu adalaaaaa.... alaaaa jgnla mcm ni... jatuh terus reputasi aku.. aduiiiii....

tp xkan aku nk dok diam je kan... aku pun terus reply la email tu.. tp belum ada feedback lg sbb pg lg kot.. aku reply to all... huhuhuhu.. tp takut gak ni... huhuhu... manala tau tup2 bos aku pun salahkan aku... adeii..

xpela.. kita wait n see je la.. hopefully kebengangan di pagi hari ni x akan menjejaskan mood aku sepanjang ari... minta2 la..

peace y'olls!! (",)v

Monday, June 6, 2011

part time grammer checker for thesis


ada x sapa2 yg nk submit thesis tp takut english grammer xbtol?? atau sekadar nk buat second checking in case ada ayat2 yg longgar ke? hehehehe..

aku ada buat khidmat grammer checker for thesis2 @ apa2 working report... nk kata english aku vogue de vass tu xdela.. tp bolela.. hehehe.. i've checked a few thesis's before and basically i charge according to the thickness of the thesis (no of pages) and also means of checking. (whether by hardcopy or softcopy... softcopy a bit more expensive coz i'll retype the sentences according to wht i think is correct.. all u have to do is just print it out and submit.. hehehe)

so anyone interested in giving me sum extra cash (hihihi).. kindly let me know.. will not let u down (really??) and hope will make every cent worthy.. hehehehe..

come 1 come all.. tell ur family n friends.. hehehehe..

entri berupa promo skit kali ni ye.. nk buat cmne.. duit asik sangkut je kenala cari side income skit.. hehehehe..